BAU, the World´s Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems covers the entire building industry and all its trades – that´s what makes it the most important sector gathering for all those involved in the world of planning and construction.
And BAU 2019 has much to offer these professionals, not just at the booths of the exhibitors, but in a wide range of attractions specifically targeted to these groups.
- The forums program at BAU is primarily oriented towards architects and engineers. In each of the three forums at the show (C2, A4 and B0) there are different themes each day, all connected with the key themes of the show: What next in digitalization? What new possibilities are opening up because of advances in prefabrication and modular system construction? How will we be living and working in the future? What is the role of light in smart buildings? These are the questions being explored in talks given on the six days of the trade fair. The speakers in the forums are inde-pendent experts from all over the world, including representatives from well known architectural and engineering bureaus such as Nathalie de Vries (MVRDV, Rotterdam), Kees Christiaanse (KCAP, Rotterdam), Kai Uwe Bergmann (BIG, New York) and Rudi Scheuermann (Arup, Berlin).
- The special shows at BAU are aimed mainly at planners and engineers. For these shows, BAU is working with partners from research and devel-opment. In the special show called “Spaces for living in the future: digital, sustainable, smart”, the partner is the Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alli-ance. The 14 institutes in this alliance will be presenting innovative solu-tions and products emerging from Fraunhofer research in construction.
- The focal themes are digitalization, “new sustainability”, renewable mate-rials and smart buildings and urban districts. The ift Rosenheim, another partner, is presenting a special show entitled “Building elements Tri-pleS—Smart/ Safe / Secure”, which showcases the use of intelligent building components, drives, sensors and security systems.
- „Efficient, high quality and digital – What´s important in tomorrow´s build-ing” is the title of a congress organized by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community. To register, go to:
- Under the motto of “Engineer Building Works”, on Friday, January 18, is the 27th Bavarian Engineers Day. The organizers is the Bayerische Inge-nieurekammer-Bau (invitation only!)
- The Technical University of Munich, in cooperation with the Technical Universities of Darmstadt and Delft, is organizing a conference called “PowerSkin 2019 – Building skins for a carbon-neutral building stock”. To register, go to:
- The German Eastern Business Association is organizing an event called “Housing construction in Russia. Current trends. What influence does digitalization have?”. There will be simultaneous German-Russian inter-preting at this event. To register, go to:
- Also as part of BAU there will be many architectural award ceremonies, including the Bauwelt Award, presented for first construction projects, the DETAIL Award and the Archi-World Academy Awards, a competition for young architects and architectural students from all over the world. The jury of the latter consists of 12 renowned architects and the prizes are 6-month internships in their architectural practices.
- In cooperation with a range of other partners there will be guided tours of BAU for specific groups – planners, architects and engineers.
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Więcej informacji: Świat Szkła 1/2019